Friday, April 3, 2009

You know....

sometimes the most talented and amazing scrappers without that dash of diva-ish-ness is right in your backyard!

At least for me it's in my little tiny island Singapore.

Here are 2 scrappers that I feel should get more recognition that they so deserve:

I just found of their scrapblog from another talented scrapper's blog.

Check out Sharon Ong!

Most of the local Singaporean scrappers have heard of her or/and have at least attended her class once. I've attended her class once and I really enjoyed it tremendously!

She's simply amazing!

Always bringing fresh ideas to the scrap artist's table and enjoy sharing how to get our hands dirtied to create that art =)

I think my overseas friends will seriously enjoy her art pieces and her shared techniques!!


Of course the other talented scrapper is Wendy Kwok!

I can just look through her blog postings of her shared work for hours on end too!!

Totally inspiring!!!

She does great work with laces too!

I guarantee that you will really enjoy both of their work!

I left their blogs feeling inspired and somewhat ready to create some more layouts!

I believe you would too!


Unknown said...

Hi Sophia! Wow! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your wonderfullly kind words on your blog and adding me(shy shy lah). And I really like how you used the thread on the Suitcase of Memories layout! Glad to 'see' you again!

Anonymous said...

Those blogs are amazing!!! Thank you for sharing! Thank you as well for your kind words on my blog as well! I really appreciate it!!!!