Monday, October 5, 2009


I'm taking a sabbethical break from


Design Teams.

I apologize to my scrapper friends and blog friends who have been faithfully dropping by from time to time to check up on me, to see how I'm doing/holding up.

I'm doing alright now, just busy, still get the bouts of stressed up feelings but it's better manage now.

I'm really really grateful and THANKFUL for my various DT owners, mainly Kelli, Penny, Dolores and Debbie, Edleen and Dorcas for allowing me to settle my busyness with work and house moving.

It took alot of thinking and deciding to just do it and email all of them to ask for a sabbethical break.

I will definitely miss working with them during this period of time, the opportunities they had given me had been had been wonderful and mind-blowing too!

I've grown much in my scrapping style, in the topics, in the use of different techniques/products, scrapping outside the box and out of my comfort zone.

Through these design teams, I've gotten to know tremendous talented scappers from around the globe, always inspired by what they contribute to the team, and they go beyond the SB mags/publications.

I don't see it as a lost by going on a sabbethical break or even if the need be, to step down/give up being on the design teams.

As much as it feels good getting some form of recognition
(come on! most of us who are on design teams do somewhat wants some form of recognition)

but honestly, if you take all that away from me,

I'm still me

and I still love to scrap and will continue doing what I've been doing.

I'll still share my layouts here coz of friends from far and wide who do ask me to continue to share.

I will be back scrapping for the current DTs come Feb 2010.
(provided they still want me around. LOL!)

Maybe I'll just post the status of my house moving with pics!

Cartons are starting to stack up around my home now.

So till then, stay blessed and thank you for your love!!!


Lynne Forsythe said...

We will miss you....thank you for sharing and it has been a pleasure to work with you!!!

TanishaRenee said...

Hugs honey! Hope all goes well with the move!

Vivs said...

Have a good break Sophia. Gonna miss your beautiful creations! xx

Unknown said...

Just read what you wrote and I think it is brave and honest of you to admit that you need a break - finding a balance in life is always important - I'm sure your scrapbooking talent will continue to be appreciated and recognized regardless. Happy moving!

prashant said...

Hope all goes well with the move!

Work from home India

Sasha Farina said...

how's the move, girl? :D keep us updated!

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