I'm on Team B for the DreamGirls challenge blog
and Challenge #32 is up and we're it!
The challenge:
Prompt: Use the word Measure on your layout
Technique: {Distressing}Sanding,inking
Product: Measuring tape
My layout for the challenge
(I did this last week over 2 nights!!! SHEESH!)

Here's a belated layout for using Pink Sketches #37

I didn't get it to Kelli coz I was mooning over my tiredness and lethargy-ness.
It's not my best layout but it's really simple. :)
On the pregnancy front, I'm getting hit with more morning sickness, I can feel it's starting to peak and now it's accompanied with more puking, especially in the evenings... similar to when I was expecting Daren.
I'm still somewhat mojo-less... but am pushing myself to scrap a little more...I feel bad letting my design teams down actually....especially when I do hand in my work most of the time except for now. I'm really grateful for the initial break that I had for the first few weeks of my pregnancy.
House hunting had its fair share of contribution to being mojoless... like what David had told me in the beginning, house-moving (with all the selling, viewing of potential houses and negotiations to purchase the new home) is really stressful...
I did tell him that it should be smooth sailing, by God's grace...but what I didn't expect was the emotional involvement, especially with all the hormonal changes due to the pregnancy... I got really tired out from it all - physically and emotionally...and having found out that I was newly pregnant didn't help b'coz it meant that we are in an urgent need of settling for a new place.
With the property market going really crazy right now in Singapore, sellers asking for over-the-top cash-over-valuation (COV) as well as if we needed a bank loan, it would be an additional 5% cash upfront of the valuation of the apartment, on top of the asking COV...that meant alot of cash involved from the overall cash portion we would have gotten from the sale of my current flat.
We can't take the HDB loan (it's a loan from the housing development board in Singapore) as we exceeded their combined income maximum cap only by a few hundred dollars and there's no exception.... mind you, this combined income maximum cap had been already since more than a decade ago....
Can't they see? Inflation had happened since ages ago and even much more recently.
Though we might be earning more than the average Singaporean a decade ago, but that doesn't mean the cost of living hasn't gone up since then!
But after having had a tearful surrender of the whole situation to the Lord during last Sunday's service, I just felt a sense of relief coming all over myself... I told the Lord, as your child, you will not leave me homeless. I remembered Matthew 6 where it talked about the Lord clothing the lilies of the fields and feeding the birds of the air, how much more will your heavenly Father clothe and feed you?
It's really taking no thoughts for tomorrow and worrying too much.
After that same Sunday's service, we had a call from my uncle who was my representing agent, to view another apartment within the area that we are currently staying at...without much expectations, we went to view the flat.
It was nicely renovated, acceptable enough for moving in immediately if we wanted to. But of course, I'm pretty sure all we need is a fresh paint of coat, change the W/C of the toilets and install window grilles for to make it child-safe - in case Daren decides to be a Spider-Boy...
Of course, no viewing is complete without another person's perspective - my mom.
While David was away on a work trip to Vietnam, he liked the flat so much that he asked me to arrange a second viewing with my mom...and so we went to take another look another time. She too found the place nicely done up and we had minimal works to do and she found the overall area of the place not too bad, quite pleasant and all.
And thus the negotiating started since that night, with David's and my mom's go ahead with that flat... Uncle Peter did and is still doing a great job with the negotiations...
All I could say for sure is that I'm step closer to purchasing our new home and likely we can only move in sometimes beginning of next year.... but I have to move out of my current place by end October to my mom's for the time being and thus having to rent a storage warehouse for my furniture that we plan to keep.
In the meantime, these are the little notes of what's been happening to me physically, mentally and emotionally :)
Thanks for dropping by once again on my blog and being so patient with me!!! :)
Dat's gooood news! Am looking forward to visit your new house! & yes..you need to take things ez babe! Am sure everything will work out fine! See ya next wk for you (& me) to destress!
Awesome layouts! Congrats again on the baby news! :0)
great layouts there Sophia!
we miss you...
lovely creations...n congrats on the good new.. : )
hope you'll close the house deal soon Soph!! *hugs*
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